From the very little things to home repairs, bills, investments, we have you covered!

We are well equiped in experienced man-power and technology and experience to assist you in all your reserve plans to help you prepair for all that may come!

Does your employer offer our Payroll Deduction scheme?
Welcome to Citi Trust!
We are a co-operative, for people, not profit. Our aim is to help customers transact fairly so local people don’t have to resort to payday lenders and loan sharks. We’re not interested in squeezing the most out of people. We offer services and products to our members – a safe home for all. You do matter.
We make options available to people who need us at rates they can understand and cope with, not what is beyond them to sink them even deeper than they already are. We are intersted solely in being a community to enable and assist with growth and progress for individuals and corperations.
We are big on relationships, taking time get to know those we interact with. In addition, decision makers behind their processes typically are relatable to a major percentage of consumers and producers. This means that factors such as local conditions, your prior and history with us and even life events specific to your profession can all come into play and are considered and most importantly understood when it comes to our decision making processes. In short, you have more flexibility than with other institutions that base such decisions solely on computer-based models.

Is it right for me?
There are many benefits to joining us. As a responsible and organised institution, we offer competitive, flexible services, tailored to individual circumstances and persons as we believe no two, either individuals or situations are the same. We stay committed to being a safe place for al.

Make today the day you take the next steps towards your financial goals

Students Giving Back: Charity, Volunteering and You
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